- Turn my static Self Portrait(ICM Assignment 01) into a drawing with relationships.
- [x] The world is defined through relationships and those relationships shape our perspectives. Use variables to build in some relationships between two or more elements in your sketch and think about how the perception of what’s happening is different depending on which element's perspective you take on. Think about:
- What’s related to what?
- How are they related?
- [x] Alternate between: mathematical, figurative, metaphorical approaches.
Learning Materials
- Watch Conditionals 3.1 - 3.4 ~1hr
- Getting Started with p5: Chapter 5 (Response). | Chapter 5 Code
- Go further with Transformations (Optional)
Work Log
- original: https://editor.p5js.org/jinnie75/sketches/Aic517m18
- most of portrait is in setup() and draws hairpin and pose after a certain framecount
- try: 1) make my hair length change over time, in loops. 2) my face follows the mouse.
- On my first day of class, I said that one of the characteristics that uniquely identifies myself is that I do nothing to my hair but cut it when it’s long enough. I wanted to play with that statement in this assignment.
- in order to make these changes, I need most of my drawings to happen in draw().
- constraints I need to work with from the original
- order of draw: hair > bodice > head > face > hairpin and pose
make my hair length changes over time, in loops
I checked how the second() function works by printing its second count and a visual feedback.
→ it goes from 0~59 and repeats, which means I don’t have to define a separate looping logic.
first troubleshooting: the time won’t change after 0.
second troubleshooting: I expected my hair to return to the initial length when the second() value equaled 0, but my hair grew to a certain length and stopped changing.
The first part is done! https://editor.p5js.org/jinnie75/sketches/XeVkoOxtL
Screen Recording 2024-09-15 at 5.51.19 PM.mov
my face follows the mouse
Takeaway: As I was rewriting one by one in relation to another, I referred to the original sketch with the static points multiple times. I see how a mathematical approach(the specific) helps. It reminded me of math class - where I would crosscheck my work by plugging in numbers and seeing if the equation holds.
- [ ] can I define a series of numbers (e.g. (x, y)) that could go as part of the arguments of a certain function (e.g. rect((x, y), w, h))
- [x] how is defining a variable with let/initializing in setup different from declaring variable and initializing from the beginning?